December 2004 - Sir Parsley stars in Jack and the Beanstalk
Jack's mother tells him "We are so poor that we have no money to buy carrots. You will have to take the cow to market and sell her."
On the way to market Jack met a stranger who offered to buy the cow. Jack was a bit of a lazy bunny and thought that this would save him from walking all the way to market and back. So he accepted the stranger's offer of 3 magic beans in exchange for the cow.
Jack's mum was understandably furious that he hadn't come home with the money to buy carrots. She told Jack off and threw the beans out of the window. Jack was ashamed of himself.
The next morning, in the garden, the magic beans had grown into a giant beanstalk. Thinking that his mum might moan a bit about the new addition to her garden, Jack climbed up the beanstalk to get out of her way
Jack was a bit puffed out when he reached the top of the beanstalk and found a house to ask for a drink of water. The kindly woman also gave him some nice veggies to eat and told him about her horrible husband and how much time he spent looking after his pet goose which could lay golden eggs.
Jack saw his opportunity for riches and endless supplies of carrots and set out in search for the goose. No sooner than he had the goose tucked safely under his paw, than the ground began to shake - THUD THUD....A giant voice boomed out "Fe fo fi fum, I smell the blood of an English bun, be he live or be he dead, I'll grind his bones to make my bread"
Jack didn't like the sound of that, so he ran as fast as he could to the beanstalk and clambered down. It wasn't easy to hang onto the beanstalk and the goose too.
Jack reached the bottom of the beanstalk, handed the goose to his mother and chomped his way through the bottom of the beanstalk with his super sharp teeth.
Jack and his mother lived happily ever after. The goose laid a golden egg every day and they bought as many carrots as they could eat.

The Star Cast
Jack - Sir Parsley
Jack's Mum - Rumble Tumble Bunny
The Stranger - Polo Neck Bat
The Cow - Herself
The Goose - Canada Goose Cutout
