Rhubarb's trip to the St Lucia with Will & Sarah - March 2009

I’m off to the lovely St Lucia for 2 weeks of sun, swimming and relaxation. I am soooo excited and decided to grow some dreadlocks and buy a rasta hat to make me feel at home. Don’t I look the part?!

Actually I got a bit hot so decided to strip off and show off my toned physique. Yo mon. No pressure, no problem. This is the life. I had to split my time between sipping cocktails by the pool with the girls…

… and diving with the boys. Here I am looking chilled and relaxed before the first dive

Unfortunately in all the excitement I forgot to pack by scuba gear. But never one to let a detail like that get in my way, I was confident that I could hold by breath for the dive.

Will kept lurking behind me. C’mon Will keep up and CHEER UP you’re on holiday!

Hey, I’m free in the “deep blue”. This is so much fun.

Free diving ...

After all that strenuous exercise I had some more chill time by the pool. This is a top class hotel because they even provided a bun sized lilo and coconut drink.

Just before I left, I had some time for a bit of sightseeing. Wow, these pitons are certainly impressive. I’m going to need another holiday to get over all this fun.
