The Lake District and beyond with Gill & Keith - June 2008

Here I am in the Lake District hoping to go for a walk. Looks as though rain is approaching over there.

I don’t think I will walk across this field. Bulls have a habit of charging at you.
Wow!! What a lovely field of wild foxgloves, right at the start of our walk.
This is the best way to travel if it looks like rain.
Phew, what a climb! But worth it to see this lovely waterfall.

That was lucky, got back to the car just in time before the heavens opened.

That’s better – I can see the view in front now.

Back at the farm cottage and we are all wondering if it will ever stop raining. It is the end of June.

Shall we stay in the back of the car RSJ? It could be raining on the allotments like in the Lake District.

No! It is lovely and sunny. So a bit of sunbathing on the French bean leaves.

These are funny coloured beans. They must be edible, I suppose.

A spot of lunch – UGHH! This lettuce has bolted and tastes a bit bitter……….

……….so have these. Shame to throw them on the compost heap. I wonder……..

These two love them.

The rabbit basket is doing well, and

so are the pots, even though I didn’t help this time in planting them.

What lovely little tomatoes. We need some more sunshine to ripen them.

Bye bye Trevor, I have to go back home to the Rabbit House. I hope your lung infection improves quickly with the daily injections.
